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Big Drop Brewing Co

Big Drop is a brewery that has specialised in producing award-winning non-alcoholic craft beers since it was founded in October 2016 by Rob Fink and James Kindred. The two founders, who are also... read more »
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Big Drop Brewing Co

Big Drop is a brewery that has specialised in producing award-winning non-alcoholic craft beers since it was founded in October 2016 by Rob Fink and James Kindred. The two founders, who are also school friends and band mates, were inspired by their own life changes such as fatherhood and their frustration at the lack of good non-alcoholic beers to create a brewery that exclusively produces alcohol-free beer. Working with renowned experimental brewer Johnny Clayton, formerly of Wild Beer Co, they have developed innovative techniques to produce beer that is no more than 0.5% ABV yet doesn't compromise on flavour. Big Drop offers a variety of beers that are suitable for those who want to reduce or eliminate their alcohol consumption, as well as for those who simply want to try something new. The brewery has thus firmly established itself in the craft beer scene and delights beer lovers worldwide with its creative and flavourful creations.

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