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Ophiussa Brewing

Not only beautiful to look at, but also really good beers   Like so many brewery start-up stories, that of Ophiussa also begins in one's own kitchen while brewing at home. The first ideas... read more »
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Ophiussa Brewing

Not only beautiful to look at, but also really good beers


Like so many brewery start-up stories, that of Ophiussa also begins in one's own kitchen while brewing at home. The first ideas of creative beer were born in 2016, but it wasn't until 2020 that the brewery was officially founded. Daniel and Felipe are the two minds behind Ophiussa and the brewery's focus is on hoppy beers like Pale Ale or IPA, intense (fruit) sours and classic European beer styles.
The name Ophiussa comes from the ancient name of the region of Portugal. "Ophi" were warriors who fought against the occupiers of the region at that time.



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