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Ska Brewing from the USA

Ska Brewing was founded in 1995 in Durango, Colorado, by Bill Graham and Dave Thibodeau. The two school friends shared a passion for beer and ska music, which eventually inspired them to open... read more »
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Ska Brewing from the USA

Ska Brewing was founded in 1995 in Durango, Colorado, by Bill Graham and Dave Thibodeau. The two school friends shared a passion for beer and ska music, which eventually inspired them to open their own brewery. They started in small batches in a garage before developing into one of the most well-known craft breweries in the USA.

The brewery is heavily influenced by rebellious and energetic ska music, which is reflected not only in the name, but also in the brand aesthetic and overall style. Their beer cans and labels are often colourful and feature humorous cartoons that embody the unconventional spirit of the brewery.

Ska Brewing is known for a wide range of beers, from classic flavours to experimental creations. Their best-known beer is the Modus Hoperandi IPA, a hop-intensive India Pale Ale that impresses with its strong citrus and piney flavours. Other popular beers include the Pinstripe Red Ale, a mild, malty ale, and the True Blonde Ale, a light and refreshing beer.

Another focus of Ska Brewing is sustainability. They operate a solar brewery and focus on environmentally friendly packaging and regional ingredients. They are also involved in the local community and support various music and art projects.

Over the years, Ska Brewing has won numerous awards at national and international beer competitions and has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in the craft beer scene. With their blend of excellent beer, creative energy and love of music, Ska Brewing has gained a passionate following.

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