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Trillium Brewing from Boston

  Trillium Brewing 2013 was founded in Boston, on the east coast of the USA. Within a few years, Craft Brewery developed into one of the most popular breweries in the world. Until now, the... read more »
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Trillium Brewing from Boston


Trillium Brewing 2013 was founded in Boston, on the east coast of the USA. Within a few years, Craft Brewery developed into one of the most popular breweries in the world. Until now, the beers were very hard to get in Europe and sometimes only available at a few beer festivals. 


From Farmhouse to IPA Hype

The married couple JC and Esther Tetreault founded Trillium Brewing as a Farmhouse Brewery concept. They wanted to brew funky beers in season and Farmhouse Ale Style with regional ingredients from the New England region. But a New England brewery would not be a New England brewery if they didn't also brew a NEIPA. And indeed, Trillium brews not only a New England IPA, but lots of them. And they are all so hyped. At the rating platform Untappd the beers of the American brewery achieve top ratings.

In the seven years since its foundation, more locations in Boston have been added. The Trillium world is being expanded with a Farmhouse Brewery in Connecticut.


Craft Beer for Beer Lover

The beers are usually named after streets or places in Boston, such as Fort Point, Congress Street, Melcher Street or Dot Ave. But also more imaginative names like Mettle or Vicinity are used for their great beers. Trillium beers are at the top of the bucket list for every Beer Geek. And indeed, there are hardly any better beers in the IPA range. Juicy and extremely full-bodied and long-lasting hop flavours are perfectly integrated into an extremely balanced malt body. This applies to just about every beer from Trillium. It is always surprising that good beers can be brewed to be super-good after all.


  • Established: 2013
  • Founders JC and Esther Tetreault
  • Location: Boston, USA
  • Website: trilliumbrewing.com




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