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Information persuant to § 5 of the German civil code:

Brausturm Bierverlag GmbH
Jochim-Klindt-Str. 5
22926 Ahrensburg

Managing Directors:
Ronald Siemsglüß, Christof Plasse

Telephone: +49 4102 77 89 586
Email: onlineshop@beyondbeer.de

Registry information:
Registry Court: District Court Hamburg
Registration number: HRB 133695

Tax office:
Tax number: 30/298/09556
Tax Office: Stormarn
VAT ID: DE 296924345

The EU Commission offers the possibility of an online dispute resolution on an operated platform via this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
We want to point out that we are neither obliged nor willing to participate in lawsuits of an alternative dispute resolution.

Design: Klaas Twietmeyer, Hamburg


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