You don't want to stay long with us because of the current situation, but you still fancy a good beer? No problem. Just give us a call at the store and tell us which beers you'd like to have.
We'll pack up your selection for you and all you have to do is come around and pay for the beers. We look forward to seeing you!
Planning a small event and need a few more beers? We can manage that. Just contact us a few days in advance and tell us which beer or beers you would like.
We will then send you the beers from our warehouse so that you can conveniently pick them up from us.
The fact that beer can be something different is no longer a secret. Beer polarizes. And its good that way. We have realized our dream and created a paradise of beer culture. Beyond mainstream and uniformity, we focus on beers that surprise and excite. Not only the beers themselves, but also the people and stories behind the artisan brews are fascinating. Last but not least, Beyond Beer is simply the fulfillment of our dream.
At Beyond Beer you'll only find exceptional beers from independent breweries. Transparency and a story behind the beers or breweries is just as important as the unadulterated natural taste. Regardless if its from a traditional family brewery or a revolutionary craft brewery.
Diversity is also at least as important. That's why you will always find new beers in addition to our standard assortment. Come and discover the big beer world!

Store Hamburg
Weidenallee 53–55
20357 Hamburg
E: store@beyondbeer.de
T: +49 40.44465424
Find us on Google Maps
Monday: 13–20.00
Tuesday: 13–20.00
Wednesday: 13–20.00
Thursday: 13–20.00
Friday: 13–22.00 (When tastings on this day: until 20.00)
Saturday: 12–22.00
Sunday and holidays: closed

Dass Bier auch anders sein kann, ist schon länger kein Geheimnis mehr. Bier polarisiert. Und das ist gut so.
In unserem Beyond Beer Online Shop findet ihr eine exklusive Auswahl an deutschen und internationalen Bier-Spezialitäten. In unserem regelmäßig wechselnden Sortiment ist für jeden Geschmack das passende Kreativbier dabei. Craft Beer umfasst dabei für uns alle erdenklichen Richtungen von hopfenbetonten Ales über klassische belgische Bierspezialitäten bis hin zu Lager und Sauerbier. Um Euch die bestmögliche Beratung auch online zu ermöglichen, findet Ihr zu jedem Bier detaillierte Beschreibungen sowie unsere persönlichen Essens-Empfehlungen.
Wir freuen uns auf Euren Besuch und wünschen Euch viel Spass beim Entdecken, Bestellen und Genießen der Biere. Cheers!
Im Zentrum Hamburgs findet ihr unserem Beyond Beer Store. Eröffnet im Sommer 2015, haben wir hier unseren Traum verwirklicht und ein Paradies der Bierkultur geschaffen. Jenseits von Mainstream und Einheitsbrei stellen wir Biere in den Mittelpunkt, die überraschen und begeistern. Dabei faszinieren uns nicht nur die Biere selbst, sondern auch die Menschen und Geschichten, die hinter den handwerklich gebrauten Bieren stecken. Egal, ob Craft Beer-Freak oder Bier-Neuling, alle sind herzlich willkommen und werden persönlich und kompetent von uns beraten. Drei regelmäßig wechselnde Biere vom Fass sowie eine große Auswahl an gekühlten Flaschen könnt Ihr ebenfalls direkt vor Ort geniessen.
Im Store in der Weidenallee finden außerdem unsere Craft Beer Tastings in kleinen Gruppen statt. Kommt vorbei!

The fact that beer can be something different is no longer a secret. Beer polarizes. And its good that way. We have realized our dream and created a paradise of beer culture. Beyond mainstream and uniformity, we focus on beers that surprise and excite. Not only the beers themselves, but also the people and stories behind the artisan brews are fascinating. Last but not least, Beyond Beer is simply the fulfillment of our dream. You can get circa 600 different and always changing beers. Most of them are stored cooled.
At Beyond Beer you'll only find exceptional beers from independent breweries. Transparency and a story behind the beers or breweries is just as important as the unadulterated natural taste. Regardless if its from a traditional family brewery or a revolutionary craft brewery.
Diversity is also at least as important. That's why you will always find new beers in addition to our standard assortment. Come and discover the big beer world! Or try them straight at our store. From can, bottle or draught.

Store Hamburg
Weidenallee 53–55
20357 Hamburg
E: store@beyondbeer.de
T: +49 40.44465424
Find us on Google Maps
Monday: 13–20.00
Tuesday: 13–20.00
Wednesday: 13–20.00
Thursday: 13–20.00
Friday: 13–22.00 (When tastings: until 20.00)
Saturday: 10–22.00
Sunday and holidays: closed

You don't want to stay long with us because of the current situation, but you still fancy a good beer? No problem. Just give us a call at the store and tell us which beers you'd like to have.
We'll pack up your selection for you and all you have to do is come around and pay for the beers. We look forward to seeing you!
Planning a small event and need a few more beers? We can manage that. Just contact us a few days in advance and tell us which beer or beers you would like.
We will then send you the beers from our warehouse so that you can conveniently pick them up from us.