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American Pale Ale Craft Beer

  American Pale Ale is one of the most important and well-known craft beer styles. It is characterized by an intense hop aroma, a not too strong alcohol content of 4-6% and a balanced... read more »
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American Pale Ale Craft Beer


American Pale Ale is one of the most important and well-known craft beer styles. It is characterized by an intense hop aroma, a not too strong alcohol content of 4-6% and a balanced taste between hops, malt and bitterness. The style can be found in the range of actually every brewery, including here in Germany, precisely because of its accessibility. American Pale Ale is the lighter version of the American IPA.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale - the forefather of the American Pale Ale

The American Pale Ale goes back to the style classic par excellence, the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. After its release in the early 1980s on the West Coast, countless beers were brewed along these lines. Typical Pacific Coast hop varieties give the style notes of citrus, resin and pine. In addition, these hops give the beers a resinous bitterness. The texture is rather dry.

American Pale Ale - a global craft beer trend.

It's no wonder that American Pale Ale has sparked a worldwide boom. After all, this drinkable and approachable beer style appeals to many people, even those who are not into craft beer. This is because it combines aspects of drinkability with an exciting and different flavor depending on the hop varieties used! It is also very versatile in terms of food pairing.

The starting signal for the triumphant advance of American Pale Ales in Europe was given by two beers from Great Britain. Beavertown Gamma Ray is already something of a classic beer style. The same goes for Brewdog's Pale Ale, which is regarded by many beer fans in Europe as a safe bet when it comes to Pale Ale. Both beers borrow from the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale without being mere copies.


American Pale Ale from Germany

Craft beer breweries from Germany have also embraced the American Pale style. And with some impressive results! For example, a German classic is Citra Ale from Hopfenstopfer, a pioneer of the German craft beer scene. Or the Palim Palim from ÜberQuell in Hamburg - the Pale Ale tastes good not only in the brewery beer garden directly on the Elbe! And the Welde Pale Ale convinces with tropical-fruity notes of peach, apricot and pineapple.

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Thornbridge Hubble American Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Thornbridge Hubble


€4.99 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€15.12 * / 1 Liter)
Orca Nebelschwaden Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Orca Nebelschwaden

Orca Brau

€4.49 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€13.61 * / 1 Liter)
Orca NaPizza Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Orca NaPizza Amalfi

Orca Brau

€4.29 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€13.00 * / 1 Liter)
Sudden Death Lübi Premium Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Sudden Death Lübi Premium

Sudden Death Brewing

€5.79 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.44 Liter (€13.16 * / 1 Liter)
Magic Rock High Wire American Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Magic Rock High Wire

Magic Rock Brewing

€3.79 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€11.48 * / 1 Liter)
Schönramer Bayrisch Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Schönramer Bayrisch Pale Ale


€2.49 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€7.55 * / 1 Liter)
Nittenauer Doldenzwerg American Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Nittenauer Doldenzwerg

Brauhaus Nittenau

€2.99 €2.49 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€7.55 * / 1 Liter)
Maisel & Friends Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Maisel & Friends Pale Ale

Maisel & Friends

€2.19 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€6.64 * / 1 Liter)
Two Chefs Brewing Funky Falcon Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Two Chefs Funky Falcon

Two Chefs Brewing

€3.69 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€11.18 * / 1 Liter)
BrewDog Wingman Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

BrewDog Wingman Pale Ale


€2.29 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€6.94 * / 1 Liter)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Bottle

American Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Brewing

€3.19 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.355 Liter (€8.99 * / 1 Liter)
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale Draught-Style

American Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Draught-Style Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Brewing

€2.99 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.355 Liter (€8.42 * / 1 Liter)
Welde Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Welde Pale Ale


€2.29 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€6.94 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Goldgräber Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Landgang Goldgräber

Landgang Brauerei

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)
And Union Sunday Pale Ale Can

American Pale Ale

And Union Sunday Can

And Union

€2.69 €1.49 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€4.52 * / 1 Liter)
Überquell Palim Palim Pale Ale Hamburg bestellen

American Pale Ale

ÜberQuell Palim Palim Pale Ale


€2.89 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€8.76 * / 1 Liter)
Tilmans Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Tilmans Pale Ale

Tilmans Biere

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)
Lervig Lucky Jack Grapefruit

American Pale Ale

Lervig Lucky Jack Grapefruit


€3.39 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€10.27 * / 1 Liter)
Beavertown Gamma Ray Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Beavertown Gamma Ray


€4.69 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€14.21 * / 1 Liter)
Hopfenstopfer Citra Ale Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Hopfenstopfer Citra Ale


€1.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€6.03 * / 1 Liter)
Buddelship Steelyard

American Pale Ale

Buddelship Steelyard

Buddelship Brauerei

€3.29 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.97 * / 1 Liter)
Lervig Lucky Jack Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Lervig Lucky Jack


€3.29 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.97 * / 1 Liter)