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Brouwerij De Halve Maan

Old brewery in the historic centre of Bruges The Halve Maan brewery, founded in 1856 in Bruges, Belgium, is one of the most traditional and renowned breweries in the country. Its name, which... read more »
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Brouwerij De Halve Maan

Old brewery in the historic centre of Bruges

The Halve Maan brewery, founded in 1856 in Bruges, Belgium, is one of the most traditional and renowned breweries in the country. Its name, which goes back to the original crescent-shaped building, is an integral part of Belgian beer culture. It is best known for its flagship beer "Brugse Zot", a Belgian blonde with a refreshing character and subtle fruity notes. In addition to Brugse Zot, the Halve Maan brewery also brews other exquisite beers such as "Straffe Hendrik", a strong beer full of character. Visitors have the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes during guided tours and learn about the rich history and the brewing process. With its firm commitment to tradition and quality, Halve Maan Brewery remains an important part of the Belgian beer landscape and a favourite destination for beer enthusiasts worldwide.

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Brouwerij De Halve Maan Brugse Zot Blonde Ale

Belgian Blonde Ale

De Halve Maan Brugse Zot

Brouwerij De Halve Maan

€3.99 * plus €0.10 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€12.09 * / 1 Liter)