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Insight Cellars - Wild Ales from Denmark

The Insight Cellars brewery is widely recognised for its diverse range of craft beers, including its premium wild ales. Based in Copenhagen, this brewery is characterised by its unwavering... read more »
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Insight Cellars - Wild Ales from Denmark

The Insight Cellars brewery is widely recognised for its diverse range of craft beers, including its premium wild ales. Based in Copenhagen, this brewery is characterised by its unwavering dedication to quality and innovative approach to brewing.

Insight Cellars' Wild Ales are at the centre of their reputation, as they are brewed with wild yeasts and bacteria to create complex and unique flavour profiles.

Through their passion for the art of brewing and their continuous pursuit of excellence, Insight Cellars has earned a firm place in the craft beer scene and is a go-to destination for beer lovers looking for premium and innovative beers.

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Insight Cellars Maturation: Bocoy 2021 Wild Ale

Wild Ale

Insight Cellars Maturation: Bocoy 2021

Insight Cellars

€32.99 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.75 Liter (€43.99 * / 1 Liter)