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Landgang Brauerei from Hamburg

  Rooted in the north and with a cosmopolitan portfolio. The Landgang Brewery from Hamburg has been enriching the beer world in Germany for several years with its great creations. Their... read more »
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Landgang Brauerei from Hamburg


Rooted in the north and with a cosmopolitan portfolio. The Landgang Brewery from Hamburg has been enriching the beer world in Germany for several years with its great creations. Their beers are sometimes quaffable, sometimes very hop-aromatic or malt-accentuated. But what they all have in common is that they are damn tasty!

More beer from Hamburg!

In the middle of the district of Altona, more precisely in the district of Bahrenfeld, lies the Landgang Brewery in a backyard in the industrial area. Since 2015 (at that time still under the name Hopper Bräu), Hamburg beer enthusiasts have been brewing a wide variety of beers in the city on the Elbe: from the classic Hanseatic Pilsner, to fruity India Pale Ales, to dark, aromatic beers such as Porter and Stout.

The money for the brewery was raised via crowdfunding, and today you can taste and enjoy the classics as well as the latest creations either outside in the spacious courtyard or inside at the bar, which is located directly in the brewery. On the modern brewing equipment, which comes entirely from European production of small and medium-sized companies, the constantly growing team around the founders Sascha, Tim and Lars, brews the best quality beers for Hamburg and the world.

A colorful mix

Classics of the brewery are the Landgang Pils and the Helle Aufregung. Delicious lagers for everyone and anyone, quaffable yet tasty. The Amerikanischer Traum and the Goldgräber are more intense styles: India Pale Ale and Pale Ale. Beers where the fruity hop aroma is the focus of the taste. Both are also quite bitter. With the Dunkle Macht, Landgang also have a roast-aromatic porter on offer - slightly smoky, with intense notes of coffee and dark malts. With Kapitän, the brewery has launched a non-alcoholic Pale Ale.

There is also a changing range of seasonal beers. The beers in the "Tutti Frutti" series, for example, are a fixed part of the range. Every year there is a new edition of the sour beer, each time with a new fruit. In 2020 it was gooseberry, and before that there had already been blackcurrants, plums and even a batch with cucumbers.

Giving love back to Hamburg

Landgang are deeply rooted and connected in their native Hamburg. To mitigate the impact of the Corona crisis on the hospitality industry, they brewed a beer with Land in Sight to support local bars, restaurants and cultural venues. Half of the proceeds from the sale of the beers will go directly to the participating restaurateurs and cultural practitioners. A great gesture!

The Landgang Core Range is always available at Beyond Beer. You can also find the seasonal beers in our online store. Click through the Landgang range and have the beers you ordered quickly and easily delivered directly to your home.


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Hamburger SENATSBOCK 2025 Gemeinschaftssud


Hamburger Senatsbock Gemeinschaftssud 2025

Landgang Brauerei

€3.79 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€11.48 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Der Kapitän Alkholfreies Bier


Landgang Der Kapitän

Landgang Brauerei

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Goldgräber Pale Ale

American Pale Ale

Landgang Goldgräber

Landgang Brauerei

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Landgang Pils


Landgang Pils

Landgang Brauerei

€2.19 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€6.64 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Helle Aufregung


Landgang Helle Aufregung

Landgang Brauerei

€2.79 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€8.45 * / 1 Liter)
Landgang Brauerei Amerikanischer Traum IPA

American IPA

Landgang Amerikanischer Traum

Landgang Brauerei

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)