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Kona Brewing

Beer from Hawaii! Kona Brewing stands for refreshing, great drinking beers of the highest quality! Many ingredients of their beers come from the islands in the Pacific. Coffee, ginger,... read more »
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Kona Brewing

Beer from Hawaii! Kona Brewing stands for refreshing, great drinking beers of the highest quality!

Many ingredients of their beers come from the islands in the Pacific. Coffee, ginger, indigenous yeasts - everything comes from the brewery's surroundings. The brewery's Hawaiian roots are ever-present, even after its global success.

The brewery was founded in 1994 and has grown steadily since then. Today, the brewery operates three restaurants and several pubs in Hawaii and employs approximately 250 people. Kona is now internationally known and available to many countries around the world.

Nevertheless, the brewery cares above all about its origins. Through sustainable management and ecological action, Kona contributes to the preservation of flora and fauna in Hawaii.
Classics of the brewery are the pleasantly fruity Pale Ale Big Wave hopped with Galaxy and Citra or refreshing Longboard Lager!


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Kona Big Wave Golden Ale

Golden Ale

Kona Big Wave Golden Ale

Kona Brewing

€3.49 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.355 Liter
Kona Longboard Island Lager


Kona Longboard Island Lager

Kona Brewing

€3.49 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.355 Liter
Kona Hanalei Island

Session IPA

Kona Hanalei Island

Kona Brewing

€3.49 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.355 Liter