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Buddelship Brauerei from Hamburg

  The Buddelship brewery has been supplying Hamburg with great craft beer since 2014. Since 2018, even freshly tapped in their own bar Oorlam! Buddelship's beers embody the Hanseatic... read more »
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Buddelship Brauerei from Hamburg


The Buddelship brewery has been supplying Hamburg with great craft beer since 2014. Since 2018, even freshly tapped in their own bar Oorlam! Buddelship's beers embody the Hanseatic lifestyle and focus on the essentials: Good taste!

Buddelship founder Simon Siemsglüss fulfilled the dream of his own brewery in the north of Hamburg after working in China and London. In 2014, Buddelship Brewery was able to move into its first premises in an old fish cannery in Hamburg's Stellingen district. In 2020, it unfortunately had to leave this, and Buddelship also had to abandon the follow-up solution in Wilhelmsburg in November of the same year. Since then, its brews have been brewed at different locations.

Buddelship: Off to new horizons

Traditional German beer styles alongside modern styles such as IPA, Pale Ale or Imperial Stout. Buddelship Brewery's lineup has captured both poles from the start. But the space issue also calls for a restructuring of the portfolio.

This is to be split into two in the future. On the one hand, Buddelship will continue to brew traditional lagers, following in the footsteps of brewery classics such as Mitschnagger Pilsner and Kohlentrimmer Schwarzbier. On the other hand, the Lost Horizon farmhouse project is to be expanded and intensified. After a long search, Simon and his partner Nienke have finally found an old farm in the Hamburg area that offers space for their farmhouse brewery.

You can be curious what beers Buddelship will release in the future. We certainly are! As new beers come in, you'll definitely find them at Beyond Beer.

Oorlam: Freshly Tapped Craft Beer for Hamburg

A corner pub in Hamburg's Neustadt district. Red clinker brick, big windows. In summer, even with a small outdoor area. Since 2018, not only fresh Buddelship beer is tapped from the 15 taps here, but also beer from friendly breweries. In addition, Oorlam probably has the largest selection of genevers in Hamburg. That's because Nienke runs the Filosoof Genever brand. It's best to get a recommendation for the perfect beer-genever!

In times of crisis, the bar is run as a small bottleshop, so there is still a place to go for lovers of buddelship. And a visit is worthwhile not only because of that: Because the small fine selection of bottles and cans always holds some fantastic surprises of guest breweries!


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Buddelship Kapt’n Kante Bockbier


Buddelship Kapt’n Kante

Buddelship Brauerei

€3.79 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€11.48 * / 1 Liter)
Buddelship Steelyard

American Pale Ale

Buddelship Steelyard

Buddelship Brauerei

€3.29 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.97 * / 1 Liter)
Buddelship Great Escape

American IPA

Buddelship Great Escape

Buddelship Brauerei

€3.49 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€10.58 * / 1 Liter)
Buddelship Kohlentrimmer Schwarzbier


Buddelship Kohlentrimmer

Buddelship Brauerei

€2.99 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€9.06 * / 1 Liter)
Buddelship Schnagger Pils


Buddelship Schnagger Pils

Buddelship Brauerei

€2.69 * plus €0.08 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€8.15 * / 1 Liter)