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Apex Brewing from Sweden

Hardly any other brewery could surprise in 2019 and 2020 as much as Apex Brewing from Sweden. Their IPAs and NEIPAs have climbed to the top of the ranking of the best hoppy beers in Europe... read more »
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Apex Brewing from Sweden

Hardly any other brewery could surprise in 2019 and 2020 as much as Apex Brewing from Sweden. Their IPAs and NEIPAs have climbed to the top of the ranking of the best hoppy beers in Europe within a very short time.


And suddenly they were there

It was a small jolt in the European Craft Beer community. All of a sudden, in the beer stores and in the Craft Beer Bars there were these cans with the sometimes nasty, sometimes cute looking animals on them. The impression was that the beers must have come from England or the USA, because they were so incredibly good - balanced, hoppy, intense. But no, Apex Brewing come from Nora, a small town in the middle of Sweden, a few kilometers west of Stockholm.

Apparently, you can brew beer very well in this lonely place. Apex have made it their mission to brew primarily hop-forward beers. From Session IPA, to New England India Pale Ale, to the stronger DIPA or Triple IPA, everything is available. How the founders and brewers of Apex can brew such extremely well-balanced beers is not entirely clear - and in such a short time. It borders on a miracle. Every Craft Beer Geek who tastes one of the beers falls out of the clouds.

Since then, Apex Brewing has become an integral part of the European beer world. Collabs with various other beer sizes are being planned and implemented. This brewery is an absolute recommendation.



Foundation: 2019
Place: Nora, Sweden
website: Facebook




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