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Garage Beer from Barcelona

  Garage Beer Co. was founded in Barcelona in January 2015 by James Welsh and Alberto Zamborlin. In 2017 the brewery, which operates a great brewpub in the middle of Barcelona, was able to... read more »
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Garage Beer from Barcelona


Garage Beer Co. was founded in Barcelona in January 2015 by James Welsh and Alberto Zamborlin. In 2017 the brewery, which operates a great brewpub in the middle of Barcelona, was able to generate €500,000 with a crowdfunding campaign. Meanwhile the brewery is one of the absolute top addresses in Europe and has already made a name for itself through collaborations with Other Half and Cloudwater. 

Refreshing beers and Mediterranean climate

Anyone who has ever been to Barcelona knows the small, narrow streets in the old town and in the geometrically arranged surrounding districts. It was in just such a district, more precisely in Eixample, that the Garage Beer Co. brewery was founded in 2015 by an American and a Catalan.
In the beginning, it was a small brewpub, which at the end of the small tube-like room behind glass panes displayed its brewing equipment in an open view. At the entrance was the counter and the provisional, industrial charm met exactly the spirit of the times. Coupled with some great designed artwork on the walls, the Brewpub Garage Beer seemed like a hip meeting place from the beginning. But what would a Brewpub be without decent beer? And with their Craft Beer, the brewers from Catalonia were able to convince right from the start. At that time, there was hardly a second brewery on the European mainland that could handle hops and beer recipes so well.

One of the best known and most popular breweries in Europe

In 2017, among other things, a crowdfunding program was used to build a larger brewery just outside the center of Barcelona, in Sant Andreu, where the great beers are still brewed today. But the Brewpub in Eixample does not stand still. There you can find the hard to get mixed fermentation beers.
Garage Beer are not only known for their IPAs and Double IPAs - with the Soup IPA they became famous. Also their "Barcelona Weiße", which is mostly brewed with different fruits, has many fans. This beer is based on the beer style Berliner Weiße, which is not allowed to be called that outside of Berlin.
In the course of time Garage Beer has become one of the highlight craft breweries in Europe. Not only their numerous collaborations with worldwide known and popular breweries helped them to achieve this. Also their own beer festival "Mash", which takes place once a year in Barcelona and where a lot of international breweries participate and even more Beer Nerds from all over Europe.


  • Founded: 2015
  • Founders: James Welsh, Alberto Zamborlin
  • Location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Website: www.garagebeer.co

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Garage Hyper Fine Mortalis Berliner Weiße

Berliner Weiss

Garage Hyper Fine (Mortalis Collab)

Garage Beer

€7.79 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.44 Liter (€17.70 * / 1 Liter)
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Fruit Sour

Garage P9

Garage Beer

€5.19 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.33 Liter (€15.73 * / 1 Liter)