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Amundsen Bryggeri from Norway

Founded in 2011, Amundsen is now Oslo's largest brewery and the fastest growing brewery in Norway. Over the years the brewery has grown organically and is one of Norway's most innovative beer... read more »
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Amundsen Bryggeri from Norway

Founded in 2011, Amundsen is now Oslo's largest brewery and the fastest growing brewery in Norway. Over the years the brewery has grown organically and is one of Norway's most innovative beer producers. Since 2016 the brewery has been located on the southern edge of Oslo. There it brews on a 42HL plant on 3500 m2.

The brewery's flagship products are especially its Pastry Stouts. Here, intensive taste combinations are the focus of production. Holy Molé, an Imperial Stout with kakoanibs, cinnamon and chipotle chillies, is an example of this. Or her "Dessert In A Can" series.In this series Amundsen recreates well-known desserts: pecan & maple pie, chocolate mud cake, coconut chip cookie or Rocky Road ice cream.  There are no limits to creativity! In addition, some beers of the series are available as barrel aged version. Bourbon barrels in particular round off the intensely sweet taste wonderfully.

But Amundsen also has other beer styles in its assortment. Among their most famous beers are the India Pale Ales Apocalyptic Thunder Juice (brewed in New England style) and the Ink & Dagger (American IPA). Hop beers form the second major part of their production. Also with IPAs and Pale Ales, Amundsen always looks beyond the horizon when it comes to combinations. The possibilities seem almost limitless: whether a Milkshake IPA with mango, a Pale Ale with passion fruit or a Pastry IPA (Brown Cheese & Waffles). From low alcohol to Double IPA, from hazy and creamy to edgy and bitter: Amundsen offers something for every taste!

Pastry is again the keyword when it comes to sour beers. Amundsen also presents a whole range here, especially with regard to the addition of various fruits. Berliner Weiße, Gose or Sour Ale. Blueberries, strawberries, passion fruit, mango, pineapple, peach, rhubarb raspberries: All are used in their beers. Often in combination with vanilla, marshmallows, sometimes even chocolate. What does it taste like? Simply good. Convince yourself and order a Pastry Sour! These beers are not only figureheads of the brewery, but also form the style for the whole beer style.

Amundsen has arrived in the craft beer world. This is not only confirmed by the Europe-wide availability. No, also their collaborative spirit shows that. Among its partners are some of the most renowned and hippest breweries in the world: Other Half (USA), Finback (USA), Zagovor (RU), KCBC (USA), Wylam (ENG), Brewdog (SCO) or Basqueland Brewing (ESP). The Norwegian brewery is also represented at the hottest festivals such as Billie's Craft Beer Fest in Antwerp or the Lobotomy Days in St. Petersburg.

You can find the eye-catching, colourfully designed cans in our assortment at Beyond Beer. Whether refreshing IPAs and sours for the summer or intensive stouts for the cold seasons. Order Amundsen, the brewery has a beer for every occasion in its assortment.

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Amundsen Night Sleigher Double IPA

Double IPA

Amundsen Night Sleigher


€7.99 €6.99 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.44 Liter (€15.89 * / 1 Liter)
Amundsen Amundsen Santa's Hop Sack Orange NEIPA

New England IPA

Amundsen Santa's Hop Sack


€6.89 * plus €0.25 deposit
Content 0.44 Liter (€15.66 * / 1 Liter)